Monday 2 February 2015

How to be successful in your phone and skype interviews!

Credit: Shortlist. 

An initial interview by phone is becoming increasingly common. Phone interviews offer employers an inexpensive and efficient way of screening candidates. If you are job seeker, it is highly likely that you will have to prepare for a phone interview at some point. Skype interviews too are growing in popularity. These offer employers the added advantage of 'face-time' but are a cost effective option.
The traditional in-person interview isn't going anywhere soon, but it still makes sense to have a game plan for how to deal with both phone and Skype interviews. Read on for tips on how to prepare.

Phone & Skype Interview Checklist!


Phone Tips


Technical Issues: Charge your phone! Sounds simple, but forgetting to do this could be embarrassing and make you look very disorganised and unprofessional! Also, consider using a headset, so your hands are free to take notes.
Consider your Surroundings: Find somewhere quiet where you won't be interrupted. Let people know when you have an interview, so that they don't distract you.
Keep a copy of your CV to hand: A great advantage of a phone interview is that you can read through notes. Take advantage by keeping all relevant information close by.
Enthusiasm: The absence of visual cues like body language and facial expression, can make it hard to gauge the interviewer's response. Try to ensure that you sound enthusiastic throughout. Even when listening, a few well timed "yes's" and "aha's" can make all the difference and indicate that you are really engaged in what is being said.

Skype Tips


Visuals: Your Skype username and profile picture will create the first impression. Make sure that both appear professional. A jokey username will not show you in the best light if you want to be taken seriously. Technical Issues: Check that you have good internet connection beforehand. Sign in to Skype well in advance of the scheduled interview. Make sure you know which of you is to place the call. It might be a good idea to invest in a headset or microphone for better sound quality. Have a plan B. If Skype fails, it may become necessary to conduct the interview over the phone. Be prepared for this.

Surroundings: For video calls, it's important that you find somewhere that is clean, tidy and most importantly well-lit. You don't want the interviewer to be distracted by a cluttered room. You need to appear organised and professional.
Work attire Although it might not feel like it, a Skype interview is still formal. Dress the part. Wearing smart office attire may even help you feel more prepared by getting you in the right frame of mind. Appearing too casual could create a poor impression -don't risk it!
Smile, sit up straight & make eye contact: The aim is appear approachable and professional. Be aware of your body language and try to convey confidence and enthusiasm. Look into the webcam rather than at the screen. Direct eye contact can make you appear confident and engaged.
Put your phone on silent! This is easy to forget. Make sure you won't be interrupted by phone calls.
Practice! Do a trial run with a friend.
So now you're ready to get through the first level interviews and make it to the face to face.


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